Phonepe Cashback Offer : Check Your Bank Balance On PhonePe For The 1st Time And Get Flat Rs.20 Cashback.
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How To Get Free Rs.20 PhonePe Cash On Checking Your Bank Balance :-
Phonepe Link : CLICK HERE
(Use Above Link For Rs.75 Cashback As You Link You Bank Account)
- Download App From Above Link & Create Account , Add Bank Account , Set UPI Pin.
- Now Go To PhonePe HomePage ==> Click My Account ==> My Bank Accounts ==> Click On ‘Request Balance’ And Enter Your UPI PIN To Fetch Your Bank Account Balance.
Note : You Will Get Cashback, If You Are Checking Bank Balance 1st Time Via Phonepe. This Offer Is Valid For Both Old & New User But The Condition Is That You Checking Bank Balance For 1st Time Ever.
What is the offer?
- Get flat ₹20 cashback when you check your bank account balance for the first time on the PhonePe app
What is the eligibility criteria?
- Offer is valid on the first ever successful bank account balance check done on the PhonePe app
- Bank account balance can be checked for a bank account that has been linked on the PhonePe app using UPI
What is the offer duration?
- Offer is valid from 14:00 hrs on 13th March 2018 till 23:59 hrs on 31st March 2018
How many times can this offer can be availed?
- This offer can be availed once per user / linked bank account / smartphone device
How do I avail the offer?
- On your PhonePe app, click on ‘Check Bank Balance’
- In case you do not have a bank account linked on PhonePe, add a new bank account
- Set a UPI PIN for your bank account in case it is not already set
- Click on ‘Request Balance’ and enter your UPI PIN to fetch your bank account balance
When do I get the cashback / benefit?
- Cash-back will be triggered to you within 24 hours of the transaction on which the offer is applicable
What happens if I am eligible for more than one offer?
- If you are eligible for more than one offer, the offer giving you the maximum Cashback is automatically picked up for you.
Other Terms and Conditions:
- Cashback can be used for mobile recharge, bill payments, or any merchant payments on the PhonePe platform using PhonePe wallet
- In case the PhonePe wallet limit for the month has been reached(₹10000), the cashback will be credited on the first business day of the next month.
- Offer is applicable on both iOS and Android devices.
- PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
- In case of dispute, PhonePe reserves the right to take the final decision on the interpretation of these terms & conditions.