Payzapp Bill Payment Cashback Offer : 10% Cashback Upto Rs.250 Every Month. (Combined With HDFC On Chat & Niki Offer)

Payzapp Bill Payment Cashback Offer.

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Other PayZapp Offer :

1. Save Rs.250 On Big Basket, BMS Etc.

2. Save Rs.250 On Scan Pay Gift Voucher

3. Save Rs. 250  On Groceries With Payzapp

4. Save Rs. 250 On Bill Payment With Payzapp

5. PayZapp TimesPrime Cashback Offer

Steps To Create Payzapp Account :-

1. Download Payzapp app CLICK HERE

2. Once you download, click on register and enter your number then type this code in Referral Code section : dekhreview

3. Now on next page, enter all required details and finally verify your number.

4. After mobile verification, check your email and verify it as well.

Best Use : Combined With HDFC On Chat 15-20% Discount Offer With This 10% BILLPAY Code Save Around 25-30%. CLICK HERE (Apply Code While Making Payment Below Payzapp Card Details On HDFC On Chat) 

Or Combined With Niki Offers : CLICK HERE

10% cashback on bill payments with PayZapp max upto Rs. 250 per customer per month.


1. 10% cashback . Max cashback Rs. 250 per customer per month On Minimum Transaction Of Rs.200 Or More.

2. Offer applicable on payment made via PayZapp

3. Promo code BILLPAY

4. Offer valid From 1st March To 31st March 2019.

5. Enter Promo code at PayZapp payment page to avail the offer

6. This Offer is made available to the Customers selected at the discretion of HDFC Bank.

7. The offer cannot be combined with any other offer

8. Customer has to use the code at the time of making payment to avail the offer; in case the code is not used Discount/ CashBack cannot be credited to customer.

9. Cashback will be posted in 7 days from the end of the offer month. Customer has to update the KYC to receive cashback.

10. In case customers wallet is blocked customer can make payment using link card however customer will receive cashback post unblocking of card by the customer.

General Terms & Conditions:

1. The above offer is by way of a special offer for select HDFC Bank Credit/Debit Cardholders only and nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the card member agreement. The terms of the above schemes shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms contained in the card member agreement.

2. All disputes, if any, arising out of or in connection with or as a result of above offers or otherwise relating hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts / tribunals in Mumbai only, irrespective of whether courts / tribunals in other areas have concurrent or similar jurisdiction.

3. Any query regarding the program will be entertained till 60 days from offer fulfillment date. Post such date; the Bank will not entertain any correspondence or communication regarding this Program from the cardholder.

4. Any TAT committed with respect to posting of CashBack for a promotional campaign is only indicative & may vary from the actual date of posting; the Bank shall not be liable for any such delay. However, the Bank shall review the customer’s query & if eligible, shall ensure fulfilment is completed at the earliest.

5. In case of delay in posting or non-posting of CashBack if applicable for a promotional campaign beyond the committed TAT, customer is requested to contact the Bank; the Bank shall review the same & have the Reward points/ CashBack posted if the customer is eligible as per offer T&C.


10 thoughts on “Payzapp Bill Payment Cashback Offer : 10% Cashback Upto Rs.250 Every Month. (Combined With HDFC On Chat & Niki Offer)

  1. ROHIT GOPE says:

    Can I make more than 1 payment? I mean I have 5 bills amounting average 400.. can I pay them all and get 200 cash back? Thanks admin..

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