(Proof Added) BHIM App Refer And Earn : Rs.25 Joining + Rs.25 Per Friend After 3 Unique Transaction Of Rs.50.

BHIM App Refer And Earn : Rs.25 Joining + Rs.25 Per Friend After 3 Unique Transaction Of Rs.50.

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==> Also Try Rs.51 Joining Bonus As Bank Transfer CLICK HERE

How To Get Rs.25 Joining Bonus After 3 Unique Transaction Of Rs.50 :-

  1. Download App CLICK HERE
  2. Create Account.
  3. Use Referral Code : 8981634416 While Transferring Rs.50 To 3 Unique User.
  4. You Can Take Help Of These 3 Unique UPI Id For Transferring :
  • 8981634416@upi 
  • 8100922748@upi
  • 8013387773@upi
  • ==> After Sending Ping Me With Screenshot Here Will Return Instantly If I AM Busy In Other Worth Then Within 24 Hours CLICK HERE


Customer Referral Scheme

The scheme is intended to incentivize an existing user of BHIM to bring new users on the BHIM platform and encourage the new user to do transaction using BHIM with other users or by referring new users on BHIM. Hence, the bonus will be paid to both the referrer and the new user of BHIM (referee) and the referral will be considered successful only after 3 successful financial transactions (to any valid UPI user – “valid receiver”) performed by the referee.


An existing BHIM user (Referrer) to refer BHIM application to new user (Referee)


New BHIM user (Referee) initiates access to BHIM app or by dialing *99# from his/her mobile number registered with bank and complete on-boarding process on BHIM i.e. downloading, registering and fetching the bank account


New BHIM user (Referee) completes his/her first eligible financial transaction with any unique user


To establish the referral relationship between referrer and referee –

  • Referee needs to enter the referral code (mobile number) of the referrer at the time doing the first financial transaction with any unique user (to any valid UPI user including BHIM)
  • The referral code field (as an option) will appear on the transaction page and will be visible only to the new BHIM user (referee) at the time of their first financial transaction process
  • In case of *99#, the referee will choose the option of entering the referral code (as an option) at the time of on-boarding
  • System shall validate that if the referrer mobile number is valid BHIM registered


On completion of minimum 3 unique successful transactions totaling to Rs. 50 to any 3 unique users (either P2P or P2M), the referrer and the referee will be notified about the bonus amount via notification in BHIM app. In this the referrer and referee has to be on BHIM user, however he can perform financial transaction with any valid UPI user / merchant.


The bonus will be credited to the bank accounts of the referrer and the referee after meeting the eligibility criteria (as stated below)

Proof : 



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