Amazon Prime Members Cashback Offer.
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100% Cashback Upto Rs.1,000 On Shopping Using Below Trick :
Things Required For 100% Cashback Offer :
1. Prime Account : Rs.129 One Month / Rs.329 For 3 Months / Rs.999 For One Year. (Rs.129 Is Applicable To Selected Credit & Debit Card Like ICICI & Kotak Etc. For Other Pay Any Prepaid Mode)
You Can Try Our Rs.500 Cashback Or Off On Yearly Membership On Vodafone Prime Or College Prime Or Amazon Youth Offer.
2. You Need To Do Minimum Rs.10 Recharge On Each Categories – Prepaid / DTH / Electricity / Gas / Water. (You Can Comment Below Your Own Or Friends Recharge Number Suggestion To Help Others)
3. After Doing Above Steps You Can Order Anything Upto Rs.1,000 For Free. (You Will Get Rs.200 Cashback Offer In Each Recharge So, If You Collect 3 Then Rs.600 Cashback On Rs.1,000 And So On)
Extra Cashback : After Doing First Recharge Of Minimum Rs.10 Some User Are Eligible For 50% Cashback Upto Rs.200 So, You Can Combined That With Above And Get Rs.200 Extra Cashback On Prime Membership Or On Shopping :
Steps To Follow :
Recharge All 5 Categories – Prepaid, DTH, Electricity, Gas And Water Bill & Get 100% Cashback Upto Rs.1000. All 5 Coupons Working In Single Order. (Use Only Prime Account If Don’t Have Then Join One Month Or Above Plan To Loot)
So, Rs. 200 X 5 Cashback Applied In Single Order. You Will Get Rs. 1,000 Cashback In Rs. 1,000 Shopping. Example : If You Collected Only 3 Categories Offer Then Rs.200 X 3 = Rs.600 Cashback On Rs.1,000.
Recharge From Here On Each Categories – Minimum Rs.10 :
As Recharge Success You Will Get Collect Offer SMS & Email Both Use That To Collect Or Use This Link : (Refresh This Link After Every Success Recharge So, You Will Get Collect Offer Option)
You Can Combined Today’s Rs. 1,000 Cashback On Rs. 1,000 Shopping Offer With Pantry Rs. 225 Cashback On Rs.1,500 ICICI Bank Offer. (Pantry Is Suggestion As Everyone Needs Groceries, You Can Buy Anything)
So, You Will Get Rs. 1,000 + Rs. 225 = Rs. 1,225 Cashback On Rs. 1,500 Pantry Groceries Shopping.
Make Payment Via ICICI Cards Only. If Don’t Have This Card Then Buy Rs. 1,000 For Free.
Also Try : JULPRIME For Rs. 200 Cashback Extra, Applicable To Them Who Shopped Last Year Under Prime Day Sale Pantry Items.
Shop Here :
Suggestion Of Number As Everyone Is Searching For :
==> For Prepaid Use : 7003629710 (Jio Prepaid Kolkata) Or Use Yours. [Minimum Rs.10]
==> For Postpaid Use : 8910750438 (Jio Postpaid Kolkata) Or Use Yours. [Minimum Rs.10]
Postpaid Option Is If You Need Uber Gift Voucher Offer 50% Cashback Upto Rs.100 :
Best Part : You Can Use Uber Gift Voucher On Uber Eats Also. Just Add Voucher Under Payments In Uber Cab App And Place Order From Uber Eats.
==> For Electricity Use : 2000008981 (Uttar Pradesh – Noida Poer Company) Or Use Your + Suggest More In Comment To Help Others. [Minimum Rs.10]
Replace 8981 In Above With Any 4 Random Number.
More : 2988XX (Karnataka , BESCOM) Replace XX.
==> For Gas Bill Use : 2001437 (Siti Energy – Uttar Pradesh) Or Use Your + Suggest More In Comment To Help Others. [Minimum Rs.10]
Replace 1437 In Above With Any 4 Random Number.
More : 20038XX (Siti Energy – Uttar Pradesh) Replace XX.
Gail Gas Bill Id : 4000001056 (Replace Last 4 Digit If Not Working)
==> For DTH Recharge Use : 1251697411 (Tata Sky – Kolkata) Or Use Your + Suggest More In Comment To Help Others. [Minimum Rs.20]
==> For Water Bill Use : 240112801222 (PHED – Rajesthan Water Bill) Or Use Your + Suggest More In Comment To Help Others. [Minimum According To Due So, Find Less Amount Bill]
Replace 1222 In Above With Any 4 Random Number.
More : 2401128008XX (PHED – Rajesthan Water Bill) Replace XX.
All Above Are Just Suggestion Try Random Or Google Or Comment Below And Request Visitors For Help Also Help Them If You Know.
Proof Bought Rs.1,500 Groceries At Rs.225 After Rs.1,000 Cashback : Will Get Delivery Tomorrow Will Upload Items Pic Soon.
Hello sir
I made 5 transactions on Amazon pay to collect 5 coupons of 20%off
I made those transactions yesterday
I received coupons in respect of prepaid Recharge, dth Recharge & electricity bill yesterday
But still I haven’t received coupons in respect of gas bill & water bill
Can u help?
As Offer Collection Is Instant, But You Don’t Got For Gas & Water Even After Recharge Is Success. Then Repay Both Again With Small Amount Like Rs. 10. As Same Happens With Me In Electricity Bill Pay So, Paid Again Rs. 10 And This Time I Got Collection Option Instantly After Recharge Success.
Pingback: Amazon Prime Membership Youth Offer : Flat Rs.500 Cashback On One Year Membership. | OFFER WORLD
DTH Tata sky
I need gas or water bill suggestion as the transaction failing over n over again.
Try With Replacement Of Digit.
Need Gas, water, electricity as transaction failed again & again, Amazon issued gift cards for my these payments
Try Replacement Of Digit, It Will Work. Needs Some Labour
Electricity bill number Chhattisgarh 1000740525
Kaunsa company ka hai from Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh Sate Has Only One Electricity Option : Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Co. Ltd
Need gas bill and water bill number if anyone has please reply
Give me pipe line gas number only
2-3 Gas Suggestion Added On Post, Just Change Digit With Random And Try.
Jodhpur electry
DTH TATASKY 8885993899
DTH Recharge Min 10
Dish Tv
VC No: 01523396779
Gas pipeline
i need gas and DTH bill numbers.. pl help me
DTH number already in post.
i need gas and DTH. pl help me
Gas bill and dth provides please
Dish TV – 01521828776
DTH and same mobile number is 9506359370
WATER Biller: Surat Municipal Corporation – Water (Already sorted for your convinience)
Note -If any of below is not work just change last 2 or 3 digit Randomly
62/002212 → 1.00
62/004069 → 1.00
62/004126 → 1.00
62/004315 → 1.00
62/006832 → 1.00
62/005510 → 1.00
62/005950 → 1.00
62/008498 → 1.00
62/007823 → 1.00
62/007876 → 1.00
62/007835 → 1.00
62/007793 → 1.00
62/009077 → 1.00
62/009134 → 1.00
62/009532 → 1.00
62/009508 → 1.00
62/009543 → 1.00
62/0010745 → 1.00
62/009480 → 1.00
62/0010871 → 1.00
62/009974 → 1.00
62/0010406 → 1.00
62/0010459 → 1.00
62/0010637 → 1.00
62/0010750 → 1.00
62/009578 → 1.00
62/002855 → 2.00
62/002779 → 2.00
62/001803 → 2.00
62/002526 → 2.00
62/002301 → 2.00
62/004067 → 2.00
62/004267 → 2.00
62/006160 → 2.00
62/006789 → 2.00
62/008551 → 2.00
62/009126 → 2.00
62/009497 → 2.00
62/009533 → 2.00
62/0010426 → 2.00
62/0010805 → 2.00
62/009327 → 2.00
62/002111 → 3.00
62/002889 → 3.00
62/004324 → 3.00
62/004321 → 3.00
62/006913 → 3.00
62/005777 → 3.00
62/007837 → 3.00
62/0010245 → 3.00
62/0010287 → 3.00
62/0010266 → 3.00
62/003472 → 4.00
62/003308 → 4.00
62/005944 → 4.00
62/005870 → 4.00
62/006060 → 4.00
62/007592 → 4.00
62/009943 → 4.00
62/0010311 → 4.00
62/009996 → 4.00
62/009880 → 4.00
62/0010324 → 4.00
62/0010326 → 4.00
62/009871 → 4.00
62/002052 → 5.00
62/005434 → 5.00
62/006973 → 5.00
62/001811 → 6.00
62/003208 → 6.00
62/005862 → 6.00
62/0010810 → 6.00
62/0010857 → 6.00
62/002886 → 8.00
62/006154 → 8.00
62/0010603 → 10.00
62/006241 → 12.00
62/0010816 → 20.00
62/003808 → 21.00
62/0010276 → 21.00
62/006647 → 24.00
62/009907 → 33.00
Gail Gas numbers:
4000031831 → 0.01
4000027888 → 0.02
4000028451 → 0.02
4000029927 → 0.02
4000029932 → 0.02
4000029899 → 0.03
4000030225 → 0.03
4000029080 → 0.04
4000029299 → 0.04
4000029866 → 0.04
4000029926 → 0.04
4000032308 → 0.04
4000034991 → 0.05
4000035552 → 0.05
4000034122 → 0.06
4000028893 → 0.07
4000029300 → 0.07
4000032074 → 0.07
4000034808 → 0.07
4000035025 → 0.07
4000035034 → 0.07
4000029372 → 0.08
4000035488 → 0.08
4000031966 → 0.09
4000034016 → 0.09
4000030237 → 0.1
4000033124 → 0.1
4000027882 → 0.11
4000029368 → 0.11
4000029877 → 0.11
4000032331 → 0.11
4000034070 → 0.11
4000034943 → 0.11
4000029207 → 0.12
4000034019 → 0.12
4000035482 → 0.12
4000030255 → 0.13
4000029870 → 0.13
4000034813 → 0.13
4000034951 → 0.13
4000035603 → 0.13
4000032186 → 0.14
4000033221 → 0.14
4000035497 → 0.14
4000029919 → 0.15
4000032693 → 0.15
4000028542 → 0.16
4000032020 → 0.16
4000034809 → 0.16
4000035504 → 0.16
4000034684 → 0.16
4000028157 → 0.17
4000029896 → 0.17
4000030593 → 0.17
4000029947 → 0.17
4000035374 → 0.17
4000029375 → 0.18
4000032298 → 0.18
4000035044 → 0.18
4000028728 → 0.19
4000031970 → 0.19
4000034028 → 0.19
4000034824 → 0.19
4000034826 → 0.19
4000028123 → 0.2
4000034941 → 0.2
4000035496 → 0.2
4000027871 → 0.21
4000029148 → 0.21
4000029878 → 0.21
4000030147 → 0.21
4000029912 → 0.21
4000034882 → 0.21
4000027828 → 0.23
4000030136 → 0.23
4000031291 → 0.23
4000032193 → 0.23
4000035474 → 0.23
4000028919 → 0.24
4000031537 → 0.24
4000034634 → 0.24
4000034939 → 0.24
4000035037 → 0.24
4000029961 → 0.26
4000032054 → 0.26
4000027870 → 0.27
4000031965 → 0.27
4000034807 → 0.27
4000027904 → 0.28
4000029868 → 0.28
4000030577 → 0.28
4000034642 → 0.28
4000028154 → 0.29
4000032061 → 0.29
4000033675 → 0.29
4000035053 → 0.29
4000033309 → 0.3
4000034933 → 0.3
4000034968 → 0.3
4000035551 → 0.3
4000030294 → 0.31
4000030547 → 0.31
4000034947 → 0.31
4000035019 → 0.31
4000027826 → 0.32
4000031204 → 0.32
4000031538 → 0.32
4000030551 → 0.32
4000035045 → 0.32
4000034647 → 0.33
4000034949 → 0.33
4000034066 → 0.34
4000034955 → 0.35
4000035039 → 0.35
4000035493 → 0.35
4000031223 → 0.36
4000034096 → 0.36
4000035402 → 0.36
4000027892 → 0.37
4000034025 → 0.37
4000030222 → 0.38
4000029057 → 0.39
4000031832 → 0.39
4000033325 → 0.39
4000034612 → 0.39
4000027920 → 0.4
4000028115 → 0.4
4000029943 → 0.4
4000032075 → 0.4
4000035477 → 0.4
4000035427 → 0.41
4000029385 → 0.42
4000032018 → 0.42
4000033139 → 0.42
4000033290 → 0.42
4000034081 → 0.42
4000029838 → 0.43
4000034675 → 0.43
4000028164 → 0.44
4000034651 → 0.44
4000031991 → 0.46
4000027935 → 0.48
4000029380 → 0.48
4000032023 → 0.48
4000034886 → 0.48
4000028450 → 0.49
4000029401 → 0.49
4000029818 → 0.49
4000029819 → 0.49
4000031870 → 0.49
4000035472 → 0.49
4000030323 → 0.6
4000031988 → 0.6
4000032053 → 0.64
4000035500 → 0.65
4000035471 → 0.66
4000032055 → 0.84
4000030810 → 0.85
4000035479 → 1.06
4000029871 → 1.31
4000028143 → 1.34
4000028926 → 1.44
4000033276 → 1.51
4000032696 → 2.12
4000032044 → 2.5
4000031182 → 2.85
4000028417 → 3.3
4000035401 → 3.7
4000034662 → 3.95
4000034815 → 4.18
4000028124 → 4.25
4000034132 → 4.44
4000028322 → 4.63
4000027694 → 5.24
4000033116 → 5.65
4000030272 → 5.71
4000029963 → 5.76
4000029296 → 5.96
4000029388 → 6.06
4000034034 → 6.08
4000027952 → 6.14
4000035516 → 6.34
4000033350 → 6.92
4000034777 → 6.98
4000033225 → 7.08
4000030540 → 7.09
4000034052 → 7.36
4000034402 → 7.5
4000028921 → 7.58
4000033428 → 7.79
4000034883 → 8.35
4000033227 → 8.68
4000035414 → 8.89
4000034975 → 9.12
4000034643 → 9.15
4000034075 → 9.22
4000034899 → 9.46
4000028907 → 9.52
4000032337 → 9.81
4000033104 → 9.83
4000032069 → 9.93
4000029305 → 10.04
4000028930 → 10.24
4000031261 → 10.94
4000033076 → 11.52
4000035548 → 11.54
4000032178 → 12
4000033114 → 12.13
4000028724 → 12.27
4000034942 → 12.58
4000033298 → 12.74
4000033358 → 12.98
4000035635 → 13.44
4000031676 → 13.73
4000033281 → 13.76
4000032671 → 13.9
4000033335 → 14
4000029727 → 14.08
4000034971 → 14.22
4000033377 → 14.32
4000033328 → 14.4
4000033312 → 14.7
4000034040 → 14.82
4000035583 → 14.94
4000028078 → 15.17
4000034039 → 15.4
4000032661 → 15.69
4000030571 → 15.76
4000034650 → 16.08
4000033357 → 16.52
4000034106 → 17.03
4000031212 → 17.22
4000029069 → 17.4
4000035422 → 18.39
4000030029 → 18.84
4000034680 → 18.92
4000034805 → 19.39
4000033315 → 19.68
4000034029 → 19.99
4000032697 → 20.55
4000029886 → 22.04
4000031270 → 22.12
4000034896 → 22.14
4000035049 → 22.25
4000034928 → 22.46
4000034464 → 22.94
4000029905 → 24.12
4000029824 → 25.34
4000029906 → 25.82
4000029363 → 26.09
4000029361 → 26.82
4000028162 → 27.04
4000033316 → 27.07
4000032252 → 27.28
4000030515 → 27.76
4000027833 → 27.81
4000034060 → 27.98
4000032047 → 28.32
4000035057 → 28.59
4000035385 → 29.16
4000034095 → 31.15
4000033080 → 31.5
4000034320 → 32
4000035389 → 33.41
4000028463 → 33.96
4000031221 → 34.01
4000035438 → 34.4
4000033304 → 34.45
4000030190 → 35.54
4000034976 → 36
4000032335 → 36.66
4000029840 → 37.17
4000028465 → 37.66
4000032009 → 38.08
4000031271 → 38.48
4000032698 → 38.93
4000032323 → 39.4
4000032194 → 39.71
4000032013 → 39.72
ELECTRICITY :Biller: Adani Electricity, Maharashtra:
100012093 → 10.00
100012685 → 21.02
100013031 → 11.62
100013073 → 10.00
100015025 → 10.46
100015436 → 13.72
100015480 → 16.99
100015010 → 31.69
100016372 → 12.49
100016756 → 10.29
100017577 → 10.00
100018455 → 36.80
100019636 → 20.00
100020554 → 20.00
100020516 → 20.00
100021411 → 33.59
100022517 → 10.00
100023220 → 20.00
100025328 → 37.22
100025307 → 33.91
100025790 → 20.00
100025431 → 16.49
100027389 → 10.00
Electricity Bill : Chattisgarh state power 1000741887 Bill ₹10 [ CHANGE Last 3 Digit Random ]
Please refer to the above numbers for the loot all sorted with account number and bill Amount for all these
I did prepaid and DTH recharge successfully, but after this my other payments like gas, water and electricity are getting cancelled constantly. I copied the consumer numbers from the one you posted. Please help.
(Payment deducted and refund initiating again and again)
TRY THESE mahanagar
bp no: 210000007393 amt: 44.00 bp no: 210000007514 amt: 49.00 bp no: 210000007654 amt: 38.00 bp no: 210000007709 amt: 43.00 bp no: 210000007856 amt: 12.00 bp no: 210000008320 amt: 11.00 bp no: 210000008414 amt: 27.00
bp no: 50047657 amt: 34.00 bp no: 50047785 amt: 23.00 bp no: 50048504 amt: 37.00
Sorry to say this, but twice it got cancelled. Where should i send the screenshot of my transaction in case you guys dont believe me
Change with random digit, these are just series
Help for gas bill please
Gas bill de do bhai
de do bhai
for greter than 50 only mngl :
for less than 50
KEEP REFRESHING to get NEW Its a live server for mngl .. the last printed in latest
for greter than 50 only mahanagar:
for less than 50
KEEP REFRESHING to get NEW Its a live server for mahangar.. the last printed in latest
Link is not working ,plz update
Please update links
Gas bill plzz
New dth plz
Dish TV – 01521828776
Dth plz
1178338875′ tatasky
Electricity – WestBengal, wbsedcl Id – 512218512
1000742996 Chatishghadh (Change Last 2 digits)
Electricity – Uttar Pradesh, Noida Power Company – 2000004327 (Change last 3 Digits)
Gail Gas Bill – 4000001264 or
4000073302 or 4000033675 or 400055021 or 4000063733
(Change Last 3-4 digits and Try)
Guys Only Solution is That Keep On Changing Last 3-4 Digits Else No Can Provide With 100% Accuracy (Except You Have Own Bill) – Bcoz All are Just Trying Randomly So, Give Some Efforts You will Get Result.
Gas Mngl – 50063161
Mahanagar gas
working water bill
Surat – 62/002212
Bill Amount – 1 Rs
20% off upto 200 on shopping wala offer khatam ho gya kya?