ABPB – Aditya Birla Payment Bank Refer And Earn.
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(OFFER 1) BHIM ABPB App : Rs.101 In Bank For Every 5 Referral :
1. First of all download App From Given link Here. : CLICK HERE
2. Open App and Click on Register Button.
3. Enter your Mobile Number which is Linked with any other bank account.
4. App will automatically verify your mobile number and you will be redirect to the dashboard.
5. Now Select your Bank and Verify your mobile number to link your bank account to BHIM ABPB Bank.
6. Go to Menu from Right Side and Click on Your Profile.
7. Move to Bottom of your Profile ==> Then Personal ==> There you will able to see Referral Code Option and then Enter a Given Refer Code. : 8981634416 And Press Apply Button.
8. Now Just move to Dashboard Send Re.1 To 8981634416@birla
How To Send Money Using ABPB App :
1. Open Home Page.
2. Click On Fund Transfer Or Pay To Merchant.
3. Select Your Contact Or Beneficiary Or Click on Search Button And Enter UPI Address.
4. Send Minimum Amount of Rs.1 To Your Friends Or To 8981634416@birla
Proof Of BHIM ABPB App : Got Rs.700.
(OFFER 2) BHIM ABPB – 100% Cashback On 1st Transaction On BHIM ABPB
This Offer is Only For 1st Transaction
1, Follow Above 1-7 Steps To Register In BHIM ABPB Bank app
2. Now Go to Menu from Right Side Corner & Click on Bill Pays & Recharges
3. Now Do The Transaction Of Rs.30 In Recharge Of Bill Payment (100% Cashback Upto Rs.30) & Pays it With BHIM ABPB UPI
4. Cool !! You Will Get Rs.30 Cashback Directly Into Your Bank Account in 15 days after transaction
5. Offer period: 15th Sept, 2018 – 30th Nov, 2018
6. Maximum 500 no. of users to receive cashback every day.
Terms & Conditions :
Winners will be notified by email/sms.
The amount of Rs 100 will be credited to the account linked with BHIM ABPB
The amount will be credited in 15 working days of the referral getting successful – the 5 referred people installing the app, linking their bank account, completing their first transaction and adding the referral code of the referrer in their profile section of BHIM ABPB.
All terms and conditions of Makemytrip will apply to the mega prize Rs 10,000 Makemytrip vouchers.
Offer not valid for employees, trade partner, service providers, contractual FOS of ABIPBL, holding an account with ABIPBL.
Offer valid throughout India except for residents of states/location where such offers are prohibited under applicable law including the state of Tamil Nadu.
ABIPBL has the right to contact the winning users for marketing and promotional activities.
ABIBPL reserves the rights to, without liability or prejudice to any of its other rights, change/modify/withdraw the Offer without any notice and the customers agree to remain updated with the Offer terms and conditions by visiting the ABIPBL website.
In case of fraudulent/suspicious transactions, ABIPBL reserves the sole right to revoke the Offer.
This Offer cannot be combined with any other offers and cannot be assigned/ transferred to any other person/ customer.
The users shall not hold ABIPBL, its group entities, or affiliates, their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, vendors, responsible for or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses which a user claims to have suffered, sustained or incurred, or claims to suffer, sustain or incur, by way of and/or on account of the Offer, except loss caused due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence on part of ABIPBL.
Nothing contained in these terms and conditions, nor the running of this Offer to which they apply, shall be construed as an obligation on ABIPBL to continue the Offer up to, on or after the time the Offer Period ends.
The terms & conditions of this Offer shall be in addition, and not in substitution / derogation to, the rules/regulation governing the use of any ABIPBL services/products.
If the Offer and/or anything to be done by ABIPBL in respect of the Offer is prevented or delayed by causes, circumstances or events beyond the control of ABIPBL, including but not limited to computer viruses, tampering, unauthorized intervention, interception, fraud, technical failures, floods, fires, accidents, earthquakes, riots, explosions, wars, hostilities, acts of government or other causes of like or similar or other character beyond the control of ABIPBL, then ABIPBL shall not be liable for the same to the extent so prevented or delayed, and will not be liable for any consequences.
These terms & conditions shall be governed by the Laws of India and the courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes related to this Offer.
Refer And Earn: Earn Rs.101 On Referring ABPB To 5 People. Also, Stand A Chance To Win Rs. 10,000 Worth Of Amazon vouchers.
Refer and Earn: Earn Rs.101 on referring ABPB to 5 people. Also, stand a chance to win Rs. 10,000 worth of Amazon vouchers.
Offer period: 26th May, 2018 – 30th September, 2018
How it works?:
- The user who wants to refer has to go to the Profile section of ABPB -> Invite
- The user who installs the app using the referral link has to add the referral code in Profile section- > Complete profile -> Personal -> Were you referred? -> Enter Referral Code
Who is Eligible?:
- Any Full KYC verified (OTP/ Biometric) customer of Aditya Birla Idea Payments Bank Limited (“ABPB”) can participate in the Refer and Earn scheme.
Terms & Conditions:
- Any Full KYC verified (OTP/ Biometric) customer of Aditya Birla Idea Payments Bank Limited (“ABPB”) can participate in the Refer and Earn scheme.
- The customer becomes eligible for Rs.101 cashback on referring the ABPB Mobile Banking app to 5 new users. The 5 new users should also complete their full KYC verification (Full KYC wallet/ Savings account) and add the referral code of the referrer in the profile section of the ABPB app. Only when the new users have completed all the aforementioned steps, Rs.101 cashback is provided to the customer who referred and the referral will be deemed successful.
- The amount will be credited in 15 working days of the referral getting successful.
- The amount of Rs 101 will be credited to the ABPB saving’s account or KYC verified ABPB wallet.
- For every additional successful referral (5 people), the referrer gets eligible for Rs.101 cashback given the other conditions are met.
- The mega prize of Rs. 10,000 worth of Amazon vouchers will be given to the customer who does the maximum referrals in the offer period. In case of a tie, the customer who does the maximum referrals earliest will be declared as the winner.
- Winners will be notified by email/sms.
- All terms and conditions of Amazon will apply to the mega prize of Rs. 10,000 worth of Amazon vouchers. Customers can visit amazon.in for further details on Terms & Conditions.
- The cashback will be processed only when the cashback does not result in breach of account limits laid down by RBI, from time to time. Cashback will be credited on a later date(s) when resulting balance (post such credit) will be within the specified limits.
- Offer not valid for employees, trade partner, service providers, contractual FOS of ABIPBL, holding an account with ABIPBL.
- Offer valid throughout India except for residents of states/location where such offers are prohibited under applicable law including the state of Tamil Nadu.
- ABIPBL has the right to contact the winning users for marketing and promotional activities.
- ABIBPL reserves the rights to, without liability or prejudice to any of its other rights, change/modify/withdraw the Offer without any notice and the customers agree to remain updated with the Offer terms and conditions by visiting the ABIPBL website.
- In case of fraudulent/suspicious transactions, ABIPBL reserves the sole right to revoke the Offer.
- This Offer cannot be combined with any other offers and cannot be assigned/ transferred to any other person/ customer.
- The users shall not hold ABIPBL, its group entities, or affiliates, their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, vendors, responsible for or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses which a user claims to have suffered, sustained or incurred, or claims to suffer, sustain or incur, by way of and/or on account of the Offer, except loss caused due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence on part of ABIPBL.
- Nothing contained in these terms and conditions, nor the running of this Offer to which they apply, shall be construed as an obligation on ABIPBL to continue the Offer up to, on or after the time the Offer Period ends.
- The terms & conditions of this Offer shall be in addition, and not in substitution / derogation to, the rules/regulation governing the use of any ABIPBL services/products.
- If the Offer and/or anything to be done by ABIPBL in respect of the Offer is prevented or delayed by causes, circumstances or events beyond the control of ABIPBL, including but not limited to computer viruses, tampering, unauthorized intervention, interception, fraud, technical failures, floods, fires, accidents, earthquakes, riots, explosions, wars, hostilities, acts of government or other causes of like or similar or other character beyond the control of ABIPBL, then ABIPBL shall not be liable for the same to the extent so prevented or delayed, and will not be liable for any consequences.
- These terms & conditions shall be governed by the Laws of India and the courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes related to this Offer.
Pingback: Aditya Birla Payment Bank BHIM UPI Cashback Offer | OFFER WORLD
I am already bhim user. How can I get this offer. Refer and earn ABPB is working or not for me. Can you please explain this
Refer A Friend Who Is Not On Aditya Birla App You Will Get Rs. 100 On 5th doesn’t matter he has/had BHIM account or not
Offer has been revised, now on referring 4 user you will get Rs 101 and also a chance to win Amazon voucher worth Rs 10000.
Use my code : 8108330442
Download App : http://bit.ly/2B33n5h